Presentations about Mist.
A downloadable PDF of the slides accompanies each video, but note that the slides don’t stand by themselves very well outside the context of the talk.
Objects in the Mist
Currently the best general introduction to Mist, and with the most detail about Mist’s implementation strategy. Some details are out of date, but not much. Presented by Martin McClure at the Smalltalks conference in Argentina in November 2012. One hour.
Reuse in the Mist
A look at class composition, which was not part of the design at the time of the “Objects in the Mist” talk. Probably the second Mist talk to watch. Presented by Martin McClure at the Smalltalks conference in Argentina in November, 2013. 37 minutes.
Classes in the Mist
A condensed version of “Objects in the Mist” plus some information about class composition. Presented by Martin McClure at the STIC conference in the US, June 2013. 45 minutes.